Thursday, August 20, 2015

Chemo Day 1

What a journey this has been, and how very thankful I am for all of your well wishes, sweet texts, phone calls, and emails.  I truly appreciate all of them - truly, every last one.

Chemo started today at about 11- it was supposed to be 9am. They had to mix up all of my drugs and have them ready for me.  I am here with my wonderfully supportive mom, and had the sweetest visit from a childhood friend today, thank you so much for coming by this morning Jennifer!

I even ran into one of my former student's mommies that began her treatment today too.  Words cannot begin to explain how very special that was.

I feel pretty good right now, it sounds like I will start to feel icky Sunday night into Monday.  I have to come back in tomorrow for a booster shot to keep my blood counts up.

Living with this news for the past few weeks has been so hard, we wanted to know exactly what we were dealing with before I shared the news publicly.  We have packed in so many super fun adventures, both to keep my mind off of everything and to maintain as much consistency as possible during this time.

We went to visit my sweet friend MC at her farm/rescue, that was before I had the first appointment that showed that I needed to go in for further testing.  It was the most beautiful day, I am so glad that you were all able to spend it with my sweet friends.  Spending the day surrounded by love, with Autumn and MC (whom I care so deeply for ) was exactly what I needed.

Then we went to an amazing birthday party at Donice's house, that was the weekend after the biopsy. You both had such a good time, and again I was surrounded by love, friendship, and light.  It helped so much to keep my mind off everything.


Then came the really big fun!  Mrs. Desiree and Moose invited us down to their new boat house on Lake Gaston. For me, that weekend was a big turning point.  I was surrounded by the people who helped so much in making mommy the lady that she is today.  It was wonderful to be held in their love.  I will be a Blue Devil forever, I loved spending the day with these beautiful women, and their amazing families.  I cannot begin to tell you just how much it means to me to see you both playing with their babies.

For our last act of truly outrageous day of fun we spent last Saturday at Kings Dominion.  We had the most fun, seriously, the most fun.  

You were both big enough to ride "big rides" and you both loved the Woodstock Express and Tommy, I got to be the first person to ride the Rebel Yell with you.  You said it was epic! We spent an inappropriate amount of money on food and pictures.  I threw a mommy sized temper tantrum when we had our "Old Timey Photos" taken.  They didn't have a mirror for me to check myself out in.  Seriously, even school pictures have mirrors for you to check your hair first. When they showed us the first set that they took my eyes filled with tears - they were awful.  I  took one look at the young lady behind the counter and explained to her that she could not possibly understand how important these pictures were to me, to all of us.  This is the last time for a long time that I will look like me - and I needed them to be perfection.  I was very relieved that she took them again, I will post them on Facebook soon. They are still not perfect, but they are pretty good.

I will never be able to express my immense gratitude for those of you that have helped me over the past few weeks, and those who have reached out to me last night and today.  Your words of wisdom and acts of kindness mean more to me than you could possibly imagine.  It is your kindness and support that get me through the quiet times, which are the hardest.

So my words of wisdom for today:

  • Keep smiling, smile at everyone - even perfect strangers.  You never know what they may be going through.
  • If you are going through this journey, or any journey similar know that the worst part is the unknown.  Ask questions - be a self advocate.  The waiting is undoubtedly the worst part. Do not be afraid to be a pest and to call repeatedly for results.  The worst they can tell you is that they are just not ready yet.
  • Love- openly and kindly, with passion.
  • Pray.