Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hello my Loves

The idea behind this blog is to keep a chronicle of you.  I want you both to know how amazingly special you are.  I am not sure where to start, so I am fairly certian that this blog - as with most of the things I do will be a stream of consious.  An ongoing letter to you that one day you will be able to read & and use to have insight into your childhood.

I love you both so much!

My Tommy, you are so gentle - smart, loving, sensitive.   You amaze me every day with your memory, you can remember accurately, things that happened months ago.  It lets me know that you are well on your way to being an amazingly smart little boy.

Sweet Elayna, you are the apple of everyones eye.  You love to dance and make funny faces.  You scowl at people who you are unsure of, I think it is so funny.  You love to color.  Often you will pick up a crayon and carry it around the house, pretending you are taking notes, writing down very important things.  You talk the whole time.  I know that it won't be long until we all know exactly what you are saying.

We moved into our "forever house" almost 2 years ago.  I was still pregnant with Elayna & Tommy you were two.  I love the house, it will be the perfect place for the two of you to grow up.  You are about to start at a new day care, Noah's Ark.  Mommy is pretty nervous about it, I just want to know that you are both in a safe, loving environment.