Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A fun link

This is a link to a website I created while I was pregnant with Tommy.  It was before the arrival of Facebook (yes mommy is old - I even had a beeper in high school, not a cell phone) and I used it to keep the family up to date & entertained by my first time pregnancy stories.

Supa Star!!!!!!!!!!
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You & Great Grandpa, I love this picture.
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One happy little dude!
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You can almost hear you saying, "get me off of this guy RIGHT NOW!"
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And Blue!  Golly Day, we love some Blues Clues in the Wood House.
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Tubes for the Princess

My sweet Angel Elayna, I think you may have been born with an ear infection - not really, but in your sweet little life you have had so many ear infections that I cannot even count them.  Lucky for us your Grandma works at Virginia Ear Nose and Throat & is always able to get you seen quickly.

You had your first set of tubes at barley 4 months old.  You were so little that they had to do it at the hospital.  It was a scary ordeal, but the tubes helped a ton for about a year.

This time we went back & forth with the surgeon (who was ready to give you tubes about 2 months ago) and your pediatricians who kept wavering.  But yesterday we got it done.

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you want is your morning snuggle and then a sippy of milk.  Yesterday I could not give you either, and it broke my heart.  You keep saying, "Cracker." Then when I didn't give you one you would enunciate, "Cr-Aker," and go point at the pantry.  It seriously tore my heart out, so we compromised & did lots of hand washing (one of your current favorite activities) and watched Blues Clues.  You have learned to ask for Blues Clues by putting your hands beside your ears like Steve does and saying, "Blu Pluus."  Yes my love, you are adorable.

The surgery went well, and you slept for almost the whole day, which in truth was pretty damn scary.  You woke up around 2 and tried to walk to the door, and your little legs crumpled right under you.  I was terrified so I called the Surgeon who said that was a "normal" side effect.  After you had a banana and some cereal you went straight back to sleep.

It is my sincerest hope that this time the tubes do the trick, I hate to see you sick, or in pain.

On the bright side grandma got you lots of new toys, one is a baby alive doll that just talks and talks.  I am pretty sure that you will love her in a few years.  She even poops.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Sweet Tommy, for a few months now you have been telling me that we need to have another baby.  It alternates between a boy and a girl, but the name is always the same - Fretchler.  You came up with it one night this winter at George's house.  You & daddy were sitting around their fire pit hanging out with Heather, Kate, Jordan, and Shirley, while I was home with Elayna.

You happily burst through the door, nose and cheeks all pink from the cold air and excitedly told me all about Fretchler.  I thought for sure that it was a phase that would pass, but here we are months later, and with no prompting you are still talking about Fretchler.

It is pretty sweet, Elayna is quickly becoming a big girl, the babyness of her is fading away into toddler hood.  I think often how much I would like to feel a little life growing inside of me again.  But the truth sweet prince, is that I am a pretty good momma - kind of amazing I like to think.  But I stink at being pregnant.  We both almost died when I was pregnant with you, and then again when I was pregnant with Elayna I was so sick. With C-diff that time, super yucky and potentially lethal for both of us.

I like being your momma way to much to put all that at risk again for another baby, I hope that you will understand that when you are older.  For now I will enjoy all of your stories about what Fretchler is doing in my tummy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tommy's Story

Yesterday was your fourth birthday little man.  I really can't believe it, four years old.  I read an article this morning that said that between birth and the time you leave for college I have 960 Saturdays to spend with you, that does not seem like nearly enough, especially since I know that in a few short years your world will change focus, and I will no longer be the center of your universe - your friends will.  It breaks my heart a little bit, but my hope is that I will be able to fill you with so many beautiful memories for you to fall back on when you have babies of your own.

In 2007 your Daddy & I had been married for 2 years, together for 6.  I was so ready to have a baby, but it took a little convincing to get your daddy there too.  I was in the last semester of my Master's of Education program at Old Dominion University, and was Department Chair of Exceptional Education at Varina High School.  It was the end of the school year and I told my friend & co-worker, LaTonja, of our plans and she convinced me that we should steer away from our "plan" to get pregnant at the perfect time so I could have you over Spring Break and then take the rest of the summer off.  That is every teachers dream, just so you know :).

I really think we probably got pregnant that night.  By July 5th I had a positive pregnancy test.  We were so excited.  We decided to tell everyone the amazing news at a birthday party for me (that we threw & then cleverly invited everyone to tell them at the same time).  We got presents for everyone & had them open them at the same time.  Books for Nana, MawMaw, and Nonnie & Papa; And Stuffed animals with bibs that said "I love grandma" and " I love grandpa" for Grandma & Grandpa.  I remember when I gave them to everyone no one seemed to really know what was going on until my momma, your grandma, let out a shriek.  It was pretty amazing.

The cats seemed to know that something was different, that something amazing was about to happen.  They took to grooming me any chance they got, especially Priscilla.  Bailey would lay on my tummy, like he was protecting you.

The day after our 2nd baby shower for you I was put on bed rest.  It was a day or tow before your Daddy's birthday.  The doctors had been worried about swelling in my hands, feet, and face for a few weeks.  In an instant I knew that something was really wrong.  I was giving an exam to my 2nd block class (English 12), when my phone rang.  It was the OB, I had seen them the week before & he must have been looking over my chart.  He told me to go to the clinic and have my blood pressure taken.  It was high, high enough that he told me to go straight home - that I was on best rest.  I remember being devastated, who would teach my students, feed the dogs, do the dishes, go grocery shopping?  Bed rest meant that I could not even drive to your doctor's appointments.

I went in to the office to tell the principal that I had to go home, and that I was not sure when I would be back.  I started to cry and a very wise lady named Ruth told me to enjoy my time with you.  And I did,  I watched the food network endlessly (Paula Dean mostly) and Dog the Bounty Hunter (he reminds me very much of your Grandpa).  I would talk to you, eat ice cream so I could feel you moving around, rub my belly & tell you how much I loved you.

It was during this time that we finally picked your name.  If you are old enough t o be reading this, you know by now that it takes a lot for Daddy & I to agree on important things.  He really wanted to name you after his dad (your Papa)  I agreed, but did not like the name Mark for a first name.  Not nearly romantic enough for the boy that I already knew you were going to be.  We toyed with Anthony for awhile, that is your Papa's middle name, and Gabriel ( I loved that one, but your daddy not so much).  Patrick for Father Paddy, the priest that married us, and probably the only man of the cloth that I have ever known your daddy to be drawn to.  Then one night I was taking to Nana about names, it was important to me that your name mean something.  She started naming off family names, and then said her dad's name.  Thomas August.  In that moment I knew that you would be my Tommy.  And Mark Thomas Wood was created.

We set my induction date for February 19th, this was pretty scary because my first due date was March 26th.  We went into the hospital (St. Francis) it was so pretty, they have these automated nature sounds, so I heard birds chirping when we went in.  They tried to induce labor for three days, but you just weren't ready yet.  By the third day my pulse and Blood Pressure were really high, and my kidneys has started to fail.  Dr. Miller told me that we needed to have a C-Section, from that point it was about 30 minutes until you were born.

They had trouble getting you out, you snuggled deep under my ribcage & they had to really pull to get you out of there.  You were so tiny, the nurses said that they did not think you were 37 weeks.  Your first Apgar was pretty low and everyone was really really worried.  Daddy & I were scared too.

We were in the hospital for a week, and they sent you home with a bili blanket and a nurse came every day to take your blood.  Soon you started to gain weight.  I was so lucky to be able to stay home with you from February until August.  It was an amazing time, moments with you that I will treasure in my heart for always.

And now you are four!  It is hard to remember now how very scary those first few months were, trying endlessly to get you to eat, going to physical therapy for your torticollis, and worrying that I was doing everything right.  I think I did pretty good, because you are amazing.

Friday, February 17, 2012

I was playing around today and made this

I found this site called picnic, I think I will use it more often, so fun!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh my Groceries!

Whenever something crazy happens, or I get frustrated I always say, "oh my gravy!"  I have said it forever, I can't remember where I got it from , although I think it may have been Rachel Ray.  Yesterday Elayna was playing in the dog water bowl (this is unfortunately a common pass time & much better than playing in the cat box), and Tommy saw her and said, "oh my groceries."  I laughed so hard.  I love you both so much.

As I was driving to work this morning I was thinking of how lucky we are.  I love that you guys are going to grow up in Rockville, where the scenery is made up of farms, sprawling landscapes, and wildlife.  We could not have chosen a better place for you to grow and thrive.  I got an estimate to have a fence put up, hopefully we will get new details soon, since someone is getting a swingset for his birthday!  Little do you know that while you were sleeping this Sunday Daddy & PaPaw put it under the house.  It will be so nice to have a swingset, we had one but the wind blew it down- twice.  By the second time it was not able to be repaired.

Your birthday party is getting closer & closer.  I am really excited & hope that all of your friends come, in this day and age not many people RSVP anymore, so fingers are crossed for a good turnout!

Monday, February 13, 2012

What a Weekend!

We had such a great time this weekend. I am so glad that your little lives are filled with so much happiness.

It started on Friday when we checked the mail, Tommy made a Valentines Day Card at school & mailed it home.  I cried like a baby.  I am so proud of you little man, you are 3 years old and already you are so smart.  I love you so much!

Then we went to church school, where your sweet friends gave you some birthday presents.  On Sunday we went to Magnvs' birthday party.  He is seven!  I cannot believe how big he is, it makes me realize that soon, too soon you will both be so big too.  I treasure every moment.

Elayna "teaching" with her screwdriver.  She has to have one because Tommy has one :)

At the bottom of Aunt Jessica's steps. There is so much history in her house, I love that you are a part of it.


Aunt Jessica & Little Bug.

Shea and the birthday boy!

Aunt Jessica and Magnvus

Tommy, you were so excited about the pool table.  You loved to watch the balls go down the hole and then figure out where they were going to go.

Monday, February 6, 2012

What does that mean momma?

I always want both of you to "Defy Gravity."  That quote comes from Wicked, and has replaced "PRENCES" on my licence plate.  Although, you both know that I am, and will always be a princess. 

I think that by living to defy gravity you can achieve great things.  If you believe in yourself, and believe that you can do and be all things - then my loves, you can.

Defying Gravity means to defy what is expected of you. Doing what you want, what YOU dream of and ignoring everyone who says you can't. There are people that you will meet who say that things are impossible, but I bet they are not.  With love and grace all things are attainable - just not always in the package that you expect. Always have confidence in yourself, and surround yourself with love.
Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!

I'm through accepting limits
'Cuz someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down:

Together we're unlimited
Together we'll be the greatest team
There's ever been
Dreams, the way we planned 'em

There's no fight we cannot win
Just you and I
Defying gravity
With you and I
Defying gravity

They'll never bring us down!
I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this

I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy, my friend:

So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky!
As someone told me lately:
"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me
Take a message back from me
Tell them how I am
Defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown
And nobody in all of Oz
No Wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down!

Just think of what we can do, together!

Paw Paw Magic

There is something about your Paw Paw (or Papa) that is truly magical.  He loves you both so much, gets right on the floor and plays with you.  I love to watch it, I know that you are going to have the most amazing memories of him - it makes me unbelievably happy.

Over the past week Elayna has learned to say Paw Paw, she experiments with it, Paaaww Pawwww, Pa pa, Paaaaaaaa P.  In the morning it is one of the first thing that she says.

Tommy had to fill out paperwork for his new school, Noah's Ark:

Who is your favorite person?  Paw Paw
What do you like to play with? Paw Paw
What is your favorite thing to do?  Play with Paw Paw
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Just like Paw Paw

Magic, just magic.

Noah's Ark

Today marks your first day at Noah's Ark.  Your teachers, Ms. Shawna & Ms. Cheryl seem so sweet. I love that the daycare is so small, I hope & pray that they will love on you all day.

It is also about 2 weeks until Tommy's big Birthday Party!  Four Years Old!!!!!!!!!  I really can't believe it.  It will be fun to have your friends from Minnieland and your new friends from Noah's Ark come.

Tall Tales by Tommy

It was a pretty eventful weekend.  Saturday morning was lovely, full of Cars & Alvin & the Chipmunks, coloring and goldfish.   Right after lunch (and just before nap) Tommy announced that he saw sweet Elayna eat a green thumb tack.

Mommy's heart is then swallowed by her tummy..... 

Oh my gravy!  As I was running around the house preparing for a trip to the hospital I picked up one of Tommy's blankies and found a green thumb tack.  Then the tall tales started, Elayna (now 15months) jumped up and got the thumbtack, Isabel jumped up there, it went in her tummy, then she spit it out and Elayna ate it.  Daddy came home, knocked it down and gave it to bug. 

The bottom line was that at that point I don't think Tommy even knew what was true & what was a story anymore.  So off to Kid Med we went.

Thankfully they are lovely people, just lovely.  Grandma came to sit with me & Nonnie & Aunt Ashley came to get Tommy to keep him away from all of the germs.

Don't worry, Elayna is just fine - and now we have a beautiful picture of her tummy to put in the baby book.

What an adventure.