Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tubes for the Princess

My sweet Angel Elayna, I think you may have been born with an ear infection - not really, but in your sweet little life you have had so many ear infections that I cannot even count them.  Lucky for us your Grandma works at Virginia Ear Nose and Throat & is always able to get you seen quickly.

You had your first set of tubes at barley 4 months old.  You were so little that they had to do it at the hospital.  It was a scary ordeal, but the tubes helped a ton for about a year.

This time we went back & forth with the surgeon (who was ready to give you tubes about 2 months ago) and your pediatricians who kept wavering.  But yesterday we got it done.

When you wake up in the morning the first thing you want is your morning snuggle and then a sippy of milk.  Yesterday I could not give you either, and it broke my heart.  You keep saying, "Cracker." Then when I didn't give you one you would enunciate, "Cr-Aker," and go point at the pantry.  It seriously tore my heart out, so we compromised & did lots of hand washing (one of your current favorite activities) and watched Blues Clues.  You have learned to ask for Blues Clues by putting your hands beside your ears like Steve does and saying, "Blu Pluus."  Yes my love, you are adorable.

The surgery went well, and you slept for almost the whole day, which in truth was pretty damn scary.  You woke up around 2 and tried to walk to the door, and your little legs crumpled right under you.  I was terrified so I called the Surgeon who said that was a "normal" side effect.  After you had a banana and some cereal you went straight back to sleep.

It is my sincerest hope that this time the tubes do the trick, I hate to see you sick, or in pain.

On the bright side grandma got you lots of new toys, one is a baby alive doll that just talks and talks.  I am pretty sure that you will love her in a few years.  She even poops.

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