Thursday, March 15, 2012

Am I Qualified to Answer That?

I am a fairly intelligent woman, teachers usually are.  (insert laugh here)   But, I never thought I would be answering the questions that I have in the past two weeks.

"Mommy, what is a soul?"

This is when we were in the car.  In my head I am trying to calculate the exact right thing to say to this HUGE question.

A soul is what Jesus put inside of you that makes you special and beautiful.

I think that one was pretty good.

"Mommy, when we go to Heaven can we come back?"

This was when we were getting ready for bed.

Heaven is like our playroom, beautiful and warm with lots of windows so you can see everyone you love.  When you come back you will be an angel.

You did not like the answer to this one, you wanted to know that you would be able to come back and play with your toys.

"Mommy, why do people do bad things?"

Sometimes even big people have days when they aren't very good listeners and they do things that they should not.

"Mommy, did you know that my whole class is going to heaven."

Yes sweet baby.  Then you told me everyone but Issac because he is absent too much.  Then we had a talk about everyone that loves Jesus gets to go to Heaven.

These are all from the past two weeks.  Your little brain must be going in overdrive.  I am not sure that I am qualified to answer all the questions that you will have in your life. But I hope that I do ok.

Love you!


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