Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Orange, Red, Go

My sweet little man, your ears have been so clogged up & infected for so long that instead of hearing, "Ready, Set, Go, " you hear "Orange, Red, Go."  Your vocabulary is already exemplary, so I can only imagine how much it will grow after your surgery.

Yesterday you had your adenoids taken out & tubes put in.  Dr. Brager said that there was an excess of mucus and that the surgery should help with that.  I am so excited to see you be well again.

You did not do well with the anesthesia.  By the time they let me back there you were screaming at the nurses, "don't you touch me." Your face was beat red, and your sweet lips were blue from screaming.  I hadn't seen you like that since you were a toddler.  You broke quite a few blood vessels in your face & had to be given an extra sedative so you wouldn't pull out your IV.  It was a scary morning.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little guy! Hope he feels better soon! :) I just love catching up on others blogs!! Almost summer for you too! :)
