Sunday, April 3, 2016

Spring Break

Wow!  What a week.  I am always spellbound by the beauty of just being with my children and husband.  Sometimes I sit back and think how lucky we truly are to have each other.  Tommy and Elayna are best friends.  I don't know how long that will last, but I know that for now it is a beautiful thing that I treasure.

We began Spring Break with Easter Egg Hunts, one with dear old friends, and one with new friends.  I cannot begin to explain how nice it is to feel well enough to go out and meet new people.


Then the bunny came! That Easter Bunny knows my babies so well!  He brought books, science projects, Barbies, and the Guardians of the Galaxy movie as well as the CD.  We have had the best time pretending to be superheros and singing along to the sound track as loud as humanly possible.

We spent the rest of the week adventuring and visiting friends and family.  We even got to see a magic show at the Children's Museum and make slime!  We took another trip to Southern Seasons.  Tommy and Elayna love to watch the Food Network.  It was so much fun to see the store through their eyes.  They were positive that Bobby Flay was going to peep around the corner any minute.  If you have never visited Southern Seasons you should add it to your "to do list."  Here is a link : Southern Seasons

One of my main missions for the week was to visit Nana.  She is my last living grandparent.  For as long as I can remember she has been a staple in my life.  I remember when I first got a cell phone (back when they were as big as house phones), I would call Nana and Papa walking from class to class at VCU just to hear the smile in their voices when they heard me on the other end of the phone.  That kind of love is powerful. I am glad that the kids and I were able to spend some time with her.

We took a trip to Build a Bear.  My kids love Build a Bear.  For a few weeks now we have been talking about our special angels.  The kids have been regaled with stories of horses being led into houses, eating apple peels during school, penny candy, what it must have been like to grow up in the mountains, and countless other stories about their grandparents.  They love to hear their family history, and I love to tell them about their grandparents and great grandparents.

I also told them about another special angel named Jeremy.  Tommy was so touched by hearing about Jeremy that he decided to name his newest Build a Bear after him. He carefully considered the perfect bear to build in honor of Jeremy.  He chose his favorite superhero, Thor, and then proudly told anyone that would listen why he chose the name.  It was a beautiful and tearful afternoon.  I am so proud of him.


I am so thankful for this beautiful Spring Break.  I was able to re-connect with old friends and make new ones.  Most importantly, I was able to spend some wonderful quality time with my little family.

And Friday, April 2nd marks the first day since January that I have been totally hive free!  Yippeeeeeeeeee!!!!! I had only one small patch on Saturday, and none on Sunday.  I am hopeful that is the true beginning of the end and that soon I will be able to wean off of all the antihistamines.

We spent Saturday zooming around in a golf cart with the most amazing people.  The smiles here say it all.

I know that I am tremendously blessed to be surrounded by such love and kindness everyday.  I am so thankful to have been able to share all of these adventures with my little family.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Smile at strangers, hug the ones you love, spread love and light.


12 days until surgery number 3!

I recently read an article where a fellow fighter measured all of her scars and added the lengths together to see how long they would be.  I was super curious to see how long my own scars would be stretched from end to end, the answer is (roughly) 40 inches.  Forty inches of scars. Imagine - if I placed them from to end to end,  beginning with my toes and stretching them upward the scars would end at my breasts (slightly ironic).

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